#stayhome refers not only to the quarantine period caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus, but also to the unique opportunity to gain valuable experience. Even during regular days, when we are not at risk of an epidemic, we should remember about personal hygiene and social distance. All this things are about culture and mutual respect. This is the culture of communication, the culture of life, the culture of behavior in society.

   Regarding the coronavirus epidemic that shook the world in 2020: the ROCKOKO group joined the all-Ukrainian doctors support campaign of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine #ПідтримуюЛікарів, appealing to the self-awareness of citizens (#залишайтесявдома) to reduce the risk of spreading the disease. The red ribbon with the knot is a symbol of unity and solidarity with Ukrainian doctors, who risk their health for the safety of millions of Ukrainians, saving patients 24/7.

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